Wednesday 5 May 2010

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

i have been doing some thinking about this quote.
"all that i know i learnt after i was thirty" - george clemenceau.
now, if that's factual then really, after he was thirty,
he learnt how to read, write, talk, walk, eat, drink, and all of those things you have to learn when your a child. personally i think i have learnt most from when i was a baby to now. and ofcourse you learn more intellegently but living and life facts, i'm learning right now. and i mean this with no disrespect but if george had learnt everything after he was thirty then wouldn't he be.. a bit of a thick person? now i don't even know who this man is, i just found his quote and it got me thinking.

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